Saturday, September 6, 2008

Healf Update

Big Mama and I just got back fwum the doctor's office. It was scayawy. Dr Dees checked me over and told Mama dat I probably need medication, pwobabwy potassium ba-sumthin. But she tawt it would be good idea to wun a couple of tests on me about my wiver enzymes to see if I have a "shunt" or sumfin like dat. They wood "knock me out". Dat doesn't sounds wike fun to me. I need sum weassurance from my famiwy dat it wouldn't hurt too much. Mama says de test cost $425 and a biopsy $315. I hope you don't mind spendin mow money on me. I know it dusn't gwow on twees.

Keep yor paws dry, and yor eyes too. I wuv you.

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